How to keep alive the burning desire within you?



Human beings are always of aspiring nature, right from 'what I want to become in my life?' after birth, till estimating, 'have I missed anything in my life?' during death. I find it's quite important in life to be an aspirant of some or the other thing. Your personal growth is directly proportional to the actions that you take pertaining to the aspirations. Its a never ending process because you are in a loop.

In emergency situation while travelling to village by railway, you always aspire to atleast have a seat to my family, by looking at crowd on platform. Even if you get a seat you will aspire to have window seat. Even this happens, you will aspire to travel through plane while looking at it through window. Your mental satisfaction will not stop at any cause otherwise you will forget the god who created this beautiful universe for you. 

Thus you can understand that simply having aspirations is not a big deal. Since aspirations is not going to give you what you want, it is you in between aspirations and destination that will finish it off. Majority of the people doesn't understand that only aiming the goal is not going to give success, just like there is difference between dreaming to prepare a favourite dish and actually preparing it.

If you want to turn up your aspirations into destination, there are several things that you need to pay attention. To understand this journey from aspirations to destination, have a look inside yourself on how to maintain that self propagating fire within you.

Everyone knows that fire only exist, when there is right proportion of oxygen, fuel, and heat. Here heat acts as an ignitor to start up the process whereas fuel is the main element which helps in bringing out the energy as an output. And finally oxygen is an supporting member which helps in continuing the fire. Simillary, at each walk of life, you get motivated or influenced by anything, which acts as an ignitor to have an aspiration. But in order bring out the hidden energy within you, you need to burn the thought process of being in comfort zone just like burning the fuel. Burn it till you get maximum desired output. Don't ever think, why one need to come out from your comfort zone? Just answer me one question, how can you lighten a lamp in front of god without burning cotton? It has to burn to provide light no doubt you are delivering oil.  And last is the dedication which is a supportive member of your journey which will help in continuing what you want to do, just like role of oxygen in burning. Have a dedication like black ant, even if you tored his half body it won't leave biting your skin.

But still fire will not take place if there is absence of chemical loop so called chemical chain. Similarly, even if you did not paid attention on prioritizing your aspirations, you won't reach your destination. Therefore,.........

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