How to improve Self-Expression skills?




Everyone remembers, the joining date of school. Perhaps the day, where happiness and sorrow landed together. We were happy because hereafter we are going to meet our close friends and slightly feel sorrow because now, we are going to miss those long holidays for a year. But still the first day of school is full of enlightenment because we comes to know how others had spent their holidays. Probably you would agree the situation, where teacher tells everybody to share their holidays experience either by speaking in front of class or by writing on book. Everyone organized their thoughts but when time comes to share it in front of class, some of us would fall back in expressing the things. It’s not the case that we don’t know what we want to tell others but surely the art of telling.
Over the years, from sharing holiday experiences in school to presenting your views or thoughts as pieceworker in working conditions, we possessed the art of unable to express. Your inability to tell ‘who you are?’ certainly raises a self-doubt question ‘why we are?’. Peoples end up living in this phase having a sense of negative thought process instead of rectifying.
Before rectifying this inability to speak out, one must know,

Why we are unable to express our thoughts?

  1. Fear: this is the very common problem which everyone knows very well. We tend to get afraid because we don’t want negative results.
  2.  Consequence: we always think about the output irrespective to the inputs which we give. The thought ‘what if I do it wrong?’ curbs our expression.
  3. Impression: naturally or unnaturally human always wants the respect in output as a byproduct. This desire to impress someone, leads to lose an opportunity.
  4. Language Insufficiency: this is again the most common problem. People from vernacular medium converts the thought in to a universal language instead of thinking and delivering in universal language.
But the surprising point is, even after knowing this things some or the other way, one does not try to develop the art of expression. Continuing this will surely effect ones personal as well as professional life.

Effects of unable to express:

  1. Procrastination: not expressing yourself, develops the attitude of letting someone do it in your favor. This creates the habit of procrastinating.
  2.  Losses Faith: one doesn’t believe in himself/herself due to continuously considering the effects of expression.
  3. Health Problems: not expressing your feeling to someone (if possible, the same person who created the situation on you) will not make you relax from mental problems like irritation, anger, jealousy, etc.
  4. Loss of Opportunity: always desiring to give best in your life is not going to give you an edge over others. Your productivity only increases when you go beyond your saturation limit which is achieved by rectifying mistakes.
But why is it important to have expression skills? There are many benefits which helps in overcoming day to day problematic scenarios.

Benefits of Expressions:

  1. Scrapping Wrong Ideas: when you express your thoughts in vivid manner, the senior person can easily help you in rectifying your misconceptions, which won’t take place if you don’t.
  2. Clarity: when you express more clearly the person in front gets clarity of your vision or thoughts.
  3. Confidence: when your mind is surely connected with your speech with no interference of emotions (good / bad), then your confidence surely gets boosted.
  4. Avoid Regrets: while practicing art of expression you will come across many failures. This will surely avoid the sense of regret for what you did. 
Some of you might be equipped with good expression skills, but still there will be major chunk of people who are facing this issue. For them I would suggest following things, so that even you could do it.

Best ways to increase Self-Expression skills:

  1. Dare: this is the most effective solution for all people who face this issue. Don’t think about consequences, if you persist to be right all the time then, what will you learn? How will you identify the basic areas where you lack? So just do it! Its essence will only be delivered when it gets older.
    Pic by Raghav Thakur from
  2. Communicate: be in discussion with your close ones and try to identify whether the people understood or not. If they don’t then they will surely have a sense of questioning (i.e. repeat once again?) on what you said.
  3. Think First: Don’t directly jump on expressing (answering the question). First analyze the question followed by creating a framework of your answer of what you want you say and they go for it. For frame working your thoughts should follow the sequence of ‘WH’ question i.e. (what, who, where, when, why, how).
Follow these tips to ensure good expressions skills. Just keep one thing in mind…….

“Your thoughts must be in consensus not biased”

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