How To Improve Reading Comprehension In Best Way?

This question arises many times while ‘reading comprehension’, when we come across reading a text which differs from our vernacular medium. For majority of us, its not the case that we don’t know the language but surely the best way to improve the skill of reading comprehension from the text. Before starting with ‘how to improve it?’ one must know the meaning of ‘reading comprehension’ because both these words when joined together gives almost similar meaning but not so when identified individually. In simple language, reading is a process to speak out the text words whereas the comprehension is a process to interpret the meaning from spoken words. But when these two words are joined i.e. ‘reading comprehension’ it means an ability to understand the meaning of text with a sense of integrating it with prior knowledge to have a complete story. Reading and comprehension are separate words in terms of process but when joined together they brings out a skill. Hence it becomes very important to have a clear sense of ‘reading comprehension’ to bridge up the gap between reading and comprehension.
The reason why ‘reading comprehension’ is a skill, because skills are only one which brings out the efficiency. In this case, it will help in developing the human interpretation efficiency, probably which would not take place if someone does it individually. That’s the importance of having it so. But many people question's themselves that.... 

Why can’t I understand anything while reading?

Here are the some basic reasons which one unknowingly does it.
  1.  Concentration: This is a key conspirator which derails the ability of reading comprehension. Even if you have this skill but lacks in concentration, nothing is going to enter your brain. This will simply waste your time with no outcomes or take away. But somehow this situation helps much more in certain cases obviously not while studying. When one person is just oriented in skimming the book with an intention to check out the contents and quality (superficially) this will help you more with minimum wastage of time. But still, when one targets for learning then they need to have focus while doing so. Note:  If anyone wish to know how to improve focus then just click on the link:-
  2. Suffer: Clarify the purpose to your brain before learning. Not doing so will result in troubling him with no intentions.  Therefore, the skill of ‘reading comprehension’ is no more going to developed since one doesn’t inform the mind to come out from the comfort zone. So the action of
    How To Improve Reading Comprehension In Best Way?
     will let you to suffer. Therefore, clarify the purpose of reading to your mind to enjoy the travel of enlightenment.
  3.       Continuous Reading: This is the most common habit performed while reading. Such non stop reading is only beneficial when one is restricted to the meaning of reading only. But to develop the habit of understanding the thing, he/she need to stop somewhere else. This is because human brain becomes incapable while handling large data since your intentions is not only limited to reading but also comprehend.

    But how to overcome continuous reading?

    Well I would suggest “GO BACK AND LOOK FORWARD” just like sitting in the last low of cinema theater or classroom. This is because sitting in the last row of classroom gives you a clear vision as well as an idea to optimize time correctly for mischief without getting caught.
    But still how you will apply this trick of “GO BACK AND LOOK FORWARD”.
  • GO BACK: Now this doesn’t imply that ‘start reading backward’. When your brain gets confused or else you are unable to understand the text, then simply stop. Then summarize what you read till now and try to understand first those text which you are summarizing. And then go further. This will initiate your brain to catch those missed interpretations. This act is already installed in everyone for e.g. restarting or rebooting your mobile phone when it gets hanged.
  •  LOOK FORWARD: As earlier said the big benefit of sitting on last bench of your classroom is to analyze the situation and match your mischief's in those black time when no one can predict who has done it. Similarly, before reading the text, look at the heading, subheading of the chapter in the beginning. This will not only divert your mind i.e. (the next heading is approaching and you are in transition phase from one heading to another heading) but also it keeps you stick with the current heading, so that you don’t get confused.
But these suggestions will only keep you on track from without getting confused, it will not help you in improving ‘reading comprehension’. Then....

How to improve ‘reading comprehension’?

To ensure the improvement in ‘reading comprehension’ skill you need to follow the process in sequence manner.
  1. Vocabulary: This is a common problem encountered while reading text in another language. Well, don’t improve vocabulary individually like reading and comprehension. To tackle this problem do it simultaneously. Some of the books may be having a vocabulary section, so just glance it and understand it in your mother tongues language before starting to read. But if it is not mention then do it at same. for e.g. while reading any sentence if you don’t know the meaning of any word. Find the meaning and understand it, and again read the sentence. If you are weak in the language then for beginning you can first understand the meaning of sentence in your own language, and then get an idea how these words mean in your own language. But keep in mind after some you need to think in same language to have a fluency over it. You can’t learn any language in this method. Also never force yourself to byheart the meaning of every new word, it will settle in your mind when you continuously read it or use it.
  2. Describe: Describe the things what you are reading. Every text is written in sequence manner. So, ask ‘about what the author is talking about?’, ‘about whom he is talking about?’. This will give you a prior knowledge of the content which act as a base of every story.
  3. Interpretation: This quality only develops when one tries to question factual data. One should try to imagine ‘why did it happen?’ or ‘how did it happen?’ corresponding to the content in the text.
  4. Apply: The skill of ‘reading comprehension’ only depends on this part when one learns ethical skill through it. Think on ‘whatever happened, was it right?’. There is no right or wrong answer for these questions.
  5. Affection: Every story is linked with social or emotional part except study books. So, try to analyze those aspects by empathy.

By following all these suggestions in a sequence manner, you will surely be able to comprehend the text effectively. When these suggestions are applied in a strategic manner, one can get even more benefit through it. So,...

What are the best reading strategies?

Well there are many strategy’s but telling anyone’s strategy is not going to benefit you because everyone has its own way of reading.
So, I will be only suggesting the main points which will make your strategy the best one.
  1. Question: Ask yourself ‘what are the content I looking for?’. As earlier said, “clarifying the purpose of doing keeps you going”.
  2. Back Study: There are many texts which includes the concept. Sometimes author does not explain the concept with an aim that the reader would be having some prerequisite knowledge before reading this book. But everyone does not have this prerequisite knowledge. So, its reader’s duty to clarify first those concepts before jumping on next.
  3. Link: Just reading every concept or text as an individual entity is no more going to give you deep understanding.
    How To Improve Reading Comprehension In Best Way?
    Fill those back studied topics in the gaps of current topic to get clear idea of what you are reading. So, link your current knowledge with the prior knowledge to get the essence of it.
  4. Imagine: Your skill of ‘reading comprehension’ majorly depends on your imagination. One can clearly understand the picture rather than text. So, have a visual representation of text in your mind to get clear idea of the text.


So, by following the given suggestion in sequential manner one can surely master the art of ‘reading comprehension’.
Only there is one condition to it i.e. PRACTICE.

 “For those who doesn’t have habit of reading start it, before you close the cover page of your life.” 


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