Why We Can't Focus And How to Improve Focus In Best Ways


Why We Can't Focus and how to Improve Focus In Best Ways

Well everyone would quite agree with the fact that we are unable to focus on some or the other work which may or may not be of our intentions. This inability to focus, ends up with wasting lot of time developing a misconception of high productivity. While searching ‘how to improve focus?’ on internet we grew up. But this skill, still last right from diverting attention in school and distracting it to recess, PT periods, etc.  to our regular job work. There will be many possible reasons why we are unable to focus?. But still the inability of focus on, why we are unable to focus? remains constant. More than its effect from pulling back in doing productive things, the benefits of high focus are much more significant in our deep work. Probably it won’t assure success but it will surely boost the confidence while performance.
There are several reasons why we tend to be unproductive in situations. Pointing out those from our daily life habits which reduces our effectiveness and, projects our attention towards the question…

Why we are unable to focus?

There are many reasons which affects your focus. So, listing some basic reasons which can be overcome using natural ways: 
  1. Multitasking: Basically, this is an art of doing multiple things at same time. It sounds much more interesting and entertaining while watching circus acts, cause their intentions is to catch your focus. But when applied in real life the effects can be lighter just like missing important dictated points while noting it down or also it can be too dangerous like answering a phone call while driving a bike. When multitasking used under light situations will give good results just like circus, but when applied in practical life it acts as a distraction.
  2. Distraction: This is the most common problem where major chunk of people lose their focus. The distraction can be external like noisy surrounding, phone calls, notifications (visual triggers for e.g.- XYZ posted for the first time in a while, XYZ liked your post), etc. of social media platform. But though some of these seems to be external but are encouraged by internal. There are even some internal distractions like hunger, fatigue, worry etc.
  3. Worrying: Thinking about future more than the present state, derails the focus. We are always worried about what will happen? And end up wasting most precious time in finding out solutions for the problems. After some time, we realize that the problem is yet to occur and we are ready with our solutions. This thought process supports some time when your work needs to be done in sequential manner to ensure accuracy. But unnecessarily implementation of this thought process will not only increase negativity but also makes a daydreamer.
    Why We Can't Focus and how to Improve Focus In Best Ways
  4. Daydreamer: This is a mental activity to create illusions in mind pertaining to the situations which can’t occur at that point of time. This is so brilliantly done by the people to give instant satisfaction to their mind. When one is unable to accomplish their task then they try to settle down their mind through day-dreaming. Such activities not only make us coward to tackle situation but creates an excuse for the mind to lose the focus in expense of satisfaction. 
This are the reasons which falls you back while doing productive thinking. Hence there is much necessity to improve focus. Therefore, one should know the advantage of having a focus to get essence of it. So what are the......

Importance or benefits of having focus:

  1.  IntensityWork accomplished is the product of amount of time spend and intensity of focus. From this one can easily understand that our target is to complete the work. Now, the time spent is the maximum time as much as you can give. But consuming more time is not going to give an edge over others. Also, your time may be constant depending on the kind of work. So, the only alternative with which one can play is 'intensity of focus'This will not only help in deep work over shallow work but also clear some common perception which sounds superficial while working.
    Why We Can't Focus and how to Improve Focus In Best Ways
  2. Opportunistic: People value their time when possess high focus. This results in molding our behavior to be an opportunistic in nature. This will increase the observation quality of an aspirant because now he/she can’t afford to miss the opportunity. Possessing high focus will make them identify the strengths and accordingly will induce the focus on “what we can do” rather than “what we can’t do”.
  3.  Efficiency: Your efficiency is directly proportional to intensity of focus. This intensity of focus unleashes one’s creativity. You would probably agree with the situation where school teacher use to say that “when you are unable to understand any question, read it multiple times”. After continuous reading we would be able to understand it and, perhaps would wonder “how did it happen so?”. This is because your focus activates reasoning and problem-solving attitude.
  4. Success: Well, this is a byproduct of focus. Having good focus on the prioritized goal will surely convert your study light into spot light. Therefore, Finalize Objective Carefully Under Sight (FOCUS) will surely bring out the days with flying colors and will definitely push you to carry out productive things in life.   
For the people who wish to have these benefits in their life, they should inclined towards developing focus. Since, practice is the name of success so one must obey to practice the focusing skills in order to penetrate this in to ground reality. But to happen so, again the question arises…….

How to focus?

  1. Create to-do list: This is most effective way to improve focus. Having a ‘to-do’ list will remind you to complete pending task written in the list, when one is not focused on their work.  Prepare ‘to-do’ list in the morning and write down the things you want to do in an entire day. This will not only give you a rough plan but also make you adhere to it.
    Why We Can't Focus and how to Improve Focus In Best Ways
  2. Extent period of time: Before understanding this, you should know what are the types of work? One is deep work and another is shallow work. In simple language deep work means work with high intense focus and concentration without distraction and shallow work is exactly opposite to it. Now, extended period of time means, one should set minimum time (for e.g. 10 mins) for which he should continuously work without getting addicted or diverted to other distracting mediums. After this time, take a review of yourself whether you accomplished or not? If not then extend the time till it gets completed. Through this you can improve your focus. General note: take minimum time so that your mind will try to complete it within that span of time without getting distracted. This technique is applied to have a deep work.
  3. Avoid Multitasking: Take help when you want to carry out things at same time also simultaneously feels that, it is going to affect my performance by doing so. Otherwise the best method is to create to-so list and give prior importance to most significant work followed by the work which works in subsequent manner. Doing so may fall back in your schedule but at least it will keep your focus on the current going work.
  4. Being present: The most advantage of being in present is to avoid day dreaming activity. This day-dreaming activity gives no output but only false satisfaction through illusions. So, to get real charm be in present to have a focus on “what we can do” rather than “what we can’t do”. This will also boost your patience
    being present quotes, Why We Can't Focus and how to Improve Focus In Best Ways
  5. Spend time on yourself: Every man has some or other intentions, so give out some time to accomplish it. Fulfill your wishes to have a happy life. Otherwise, these cravings will pull you back while doing any productive work.
  6. Rest: Take some rest if you are feeling unfocused. Have a communication with your close ones to come out from the zone. And again, start it will full pace. Accordingly make your schedule and put it in ‘to-do’ list.


I hope this will help you to have a good focus in your daily life activities. Just keep in mind that practice is the name of success so “IF YOU WON’T THEN YOU CAN’T”.
Thank you for reading this blog and forgive me for diverting your focus on this blog.
Now you can carry out your regular work. Have a good day. 

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