How to improve patience?


" Wait! Till you are assured of results"


Do you remember those school days, where we gave more importance on eating different stuffs throughout the day. In school our impatience increases, when we realizes that just some time is remaining for recess bell. This would directly divert your attention from study to asking your neighbor 'what you have brought today?'. Those were simple awesome days were no one cared for what we behaved. It was quite beneficial to be impatient at that point of time, so that we could enjoy prior to the occurrence of an event.

But time passes, you becoming a responsible person, your needs, priorities changes but the art of impatience remains constant. We are the firm believer of 'as the world changes even we need to change ourselves in order to make compatible with the society' but this principle is no longer applied by any of us in case of molding our thought process. There are adverse effects of being impatient throughout the life. 

Consequences of being impatient:

1. You become a negative person. So your thought process get developed in same way. As you would have heard the saying 'as you sow so shall you reap'.

2. You spend time on thinking rather than working. 90% thinking and 10% work.

3. Increases complications and confuse yourself.

4. Apart from this, it seriously affects your health.


 Why human tends to get impatient?:

1. Upgradation of Technology: Over period of time we are constantly matching our pace with the technology. This technology had removed all the essential efforts that we need to take right from beginning making our mind dependent on another. This creates anger when something doesn't happens as per your intentions.

2. High Expectations: Human have natural tendency to predict the things, this further upgraded to expecting the things. But their mind doesn't know the difference between 'expecting' and 'hoping'. The basic difference is 'hoping' indicates your wish to achieve, doesn't matter if not accomplished whereas 'expecting' means assuming the things making you disappointed when doesn't go with your standards.

3. Value Time and Space: Everyone is different in it's own way. Similarly, every individual likes to live in its own space. So how can you expect him/ her to walk  according to your way of living life? Disrespecting their space is not only going to hamper relationship but also a decorum of your character.

How to build your patience level: 

Well there are ample of ways you could do it, but from my point of view molding a molten metal into specific shape is more important as well as easier than machining a metal to a specific shape. So, listing down some preferable method to build patience in most effective way.

1. Self Reliant: Believe in yourself while doing any work no matter if you don't have any idea in beginning. No one is born with talent. Being independent is not only going to increase your tolerance but also reduce the art of day dreaming. This is the most effective way to build your patience. This is because, no one is going to feed with spoon. You need to do this at your own responsibility. This process will build the attitude of improving small mistakes which will subsequently help in achieving big goals. Just have faith in yourself.

2. Be In Present: Farmer is growing crops without having any idea 'whats going to happen in future?'. You can't change the situation which may or may not take place. So atleast be in present, this will not only help you in thinking less and working more but also in avoiding procrastination. Over thinking makes you weaker, to withstand the coming situation. Hence be in present to become stronger.

Building patience is not a cup of tea, it takes time just like sandalwood tree. Its essence and presence get significant only when it gets old. So just focus on building the weak points in your character, where patience is one of them. 

Hence, its very important to have patience in your life. Therefore, keep one thing in mind that as rightly said by Joyce Meyer that......


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