How to avoid being greedy?


“Give-up Remaining Expectations Emotionally Developed



In those childhood days when our mother use to make our favorite dish, we were always bothered of ‘is there any food leftover?’, till we finish the served one. Cause our intentions were to take maximum part of it but hesitated for equal sharing. But still, mother knows very well that her child is never satisfied for what he/she was served. She would take some part from her dish and put it in yours, claiming that ‘I don’t have hunger’. She probably had only one need in her life that is to satisfy your greed. Subsequently her need never settles down right from serving more till serving fresh and herself satisfying with yesterday’s leftover food. Probably this behavior not only taught to avoid wastage but most importantly to satisfy one’s needs rather than desires.
We grow up looking forward to make ourselves compatible with the developing society. But we grew the ability to satisfy desires not the needs. Probably that is the reason why many of us are not happy with what they are, and they end up in spending on liabilities to have temporary happiness.
But, why this imbalance took place between need and desire?

This happens because one doesn’t know the difference between need and desire. Need is a natural expectation developed for empowerment to get livelihood whereas desire is an emotional expectation developed to get happiness. Both things are right at its own place and should be given equal importance at right time. But you know the effects of imbalance in proportion of hing (asafoetida) in food. Similarly, goes with desire. Desire is by product of need.

 But how makes human realize his needs?

 As per Maslow’s pyramid, humans fulfill their basic needs like food, shelter, cloth for livelihood followed by safety needs and then psychological needs to get love and esteem. This are the deficiency needs where motivation decreases as the needs are fulfilled. But to get the growth, human wants to achieve self-fulfillment needs to generate its own potential. But, what makes human to have desires? Now when human achieves potential, its motivation increases. Since, humans are competing in nature and naturally or unnaturally they wish to imitate people of whom they are influenced of. This thought process develops misconception that, having more will increase the happiness, importance, and efficiency. But you get only temporary happiness because due to continuous usage one gets bored and next time you will expect for bigger one. This unintentional desires will definitely turn you into a greedy man.

There are severe effects of being greedy in nature, like:

  1. Personality Changes: person becomes unkind in nature. Character changes because one only thinks about himself. Therefore, person become selfish in nature.
  2.  Becomes Coward: one becomes coward because they don’t have faith in themselves that’s the reason, doesn’t have confidence to do any task.
  3. Unhealthy: one gets unhealthy because they don’t get satisfied with what possesses and always expect for more.
Hence, it is very important to be optimistic in nature. There are many advantages of being non-greedy. Some of this are listed:
  1. Sense of Purpose: when one ethically knows, what is to be done at that point of time, then they are on right track. This gives you an attitude to distinguish between need and desire.
  2. Sense of Satisfaction: god has already removed satisfaction from human, so enjoy each ups and downs of your life. Get satisfaction by learning small-small lessons from the events happening in your life.
  3. Mutual understanding: one becomes honest with himself. Being honest with yourself is first step of mutual understanding.
But there may be many people who may or may not be in extreme conditions of desires. Well you will be quite surprised that this issue is very severe and as such there are no written methods to improve. But, I can suggest you to follow certain tips which will help you to be optimistic in nature. First lesson from everyone’s mother.

Best solutions to overcome greed:

  1. Stop Wasting Things: Avoid wasting things right from food to your day to day activities like unplugging mobile charger without turning off switch, improper closing of water tap, etc. This waste will distinguish between need and greed (unnecessary desire). Controlling these activities will trigger your subconscious mind to do accordingly.
  2. Prioritize your Desires: limiting your resources doesn’t make you fall back. What are your true desires? When you suffer from your already accomplished need, that desire is the true one. You will get maximum benefit only in this case. Cause productivity only increases, when you improvise the things that are already being done so called an efficiency.
  3. Avoid Shortcuts: this is because probability is only 50% just like bluffing answers in MCQ EXAM. Rest you know very well, what happens!
I hope this will surely make you optimistic about your desires, just keep one thing in mind………

“Anything more than your need is poison”

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